Testong 123 (PPRMS11)
by blue 7

Cache Type: Geocache|Traditional Cache PPRMS11 (Visit Cache Page)
N 54° 18.792 W 130° 19.38
( 54.3132, -130.323 )

Location: , Canada
Hidden: 2013-01-20
Cache Size: Cache Size: Micro
Difficulty: Difficulty full-pointDifficulty full-point  Terrain: Terrain full-pointTerrain half-point

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Not for wheels or high heels, but a very well used marked path. Watch out for muggles.

Not for wheels or high heels, but a very well used marked path. Watch out for muggles.
Start at the top and count down to 32 and then look under your feet.

Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) None

GPSr Comment:

devtek, pcwize

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