VBOK #0 - Eudora filters ______________________________________________________________________ For Eudora users: Filters - Let's say that from now on, you want all of these VBOK newsletters to get shoved into a special directory. Why, because you'd like to keep them, but you don't want them sitting in your in-box until you either move or delete them. Eudora 4.0 makes this a snap. Right click on this message, click "Make filter". Now you get a dialog box... The first line is incoming, outgoing and manual check boxes. Most likely you will want only "incoming", and "manual" checked. Incoming means it gets filtered after D/L, but before you can read them. Manual means, you have to click a button to filter this type of message (possibly even after you've read it). The next three lines are the keyword search stuff you want it to do to identify a certain type of message. For our case, the subject line will always have the words VBOK in it. If you want to filter messages from a specific person instead, like any e-mail you get from your girlfriend, mark it high priority, and highlight it in red. Now when you right click the message to create a filter, this is for only moving messages. the next two lines should be obvious. Do you want the message transferred to a new mailbox, or an existing one. The last one should be really obvious, delete the message. Now, lets say you want to do a different type of filtering. Say you want to create an auto-responder. You could use this for say a price list. Someone sends you an e-mail with the words "Price list" in the subject line and Eudora will automatically send back a canned price list to them. So how do you get to those options from where you are? click the "add details" button. Now, you've got some of the same information up top, plus a couple of additional boxes if you want to specify a more detailed filter. Such as, you want to filter all messages from me to a special mailbox, but you want the VBOK newsletter to go to a special mailbox, you can put my name in the first header box, and then "VBOK" in the second header box. Now, to the actions.... Whatever the last action is that you perform on a message, you should put the next action as skip rest. So, here is some of the actions you can do. make status (unread, read, queued, sent etc) make priority (high, low etc...) make label (highlight it in red, blue, green etc) make personality (Make the current personality whatever) make subject (Change the subject of the message) next three are obvious notify user and notify application, you can have it pass info to another application forward to, redirect to are obvious. reply with - Uses stationary. I use this one a lot, This newsletter uses stationary and reply to, my address book can be e-mailed to me anywhere, I have some canned stuff for a game I set up etc... To use this, click file, new message, Type in whatever you want it to say, save it as a .STA (stationary) file (this is the same type file that you can use as an e-mail template for new messages) Now when you use the filter, select the .STA file you want replied with.. Cool huh.) Server options fetch or delete the message. copy to or transfer to a different mailbox (obvious) and skip rest... Put this as the last action on your filter. Cool, that's today's long winded lesson, I'll keep the rest short... BTW when you do a manual filter, the messages you want to filter MUST be highlighted/selected. Well, that concludes this issue. Have fun. Leif Gregory Copyright (c) 1998 by Leif Gregory. All rights reserved. You may share this copy of the VBOK newsletter with others as long as it is reprinted/resent in it's entirety to include this copyright notice. If you've received this edition of the VBOK newsletter from a friend or colleague and wish to start receiving your own copies, then click the below link and send the generated e-mail message. Virtual Book Of Knowledge (VBOK) VBOK Editor VBOK Homepage Unsubscribe Back-Edition Titles